The ThinkPad® L13 is the perfect balance of performance, portability and energy efficiency. 13.3″ Powerful, Cost-Conscious Pricing.
Ordering Information
Package Price:
$1067.00 + Tax
Warranty Information
Lenovo Warranty:
- 4 Years of Lenovo International Warranty Coverage
- 4 Years of ThinkPad Protection Coverage (Accidental Damage)
- 4 Years of Insurance Coverage
- On-site hardware repair
- Access to loaner laptops if your laptop needs to be repaired
- Regularly updated software load at no additional cost
Package Price:
$954.00 + Tax
Warranty Information
Lenovo Warranty:
- 3 Years of Warranty Coverage Included
- Optional 4th Year Available
- 3 Years of Accidental Damage Coverage Included
- Optional 4th Year Available
- Optional Insurance Coverage Available at Time of Purchase
- Access to loaner laptops if your laptop needs to be repaired
- Regularly updated software load at no additional cost
Warranty Information
- Must be paid for with departmental funds via BuyCarolina through ConnectCarolina
- 3 Years of Warranty Coverage
- Optional 4th Year of Warranty Coverage Available
- Optional ThinkPad Accidental Damage Protection Coverage Available (ADP)
- On-campus hardware repair
- Access to loaner laptops if your laptop needs to be repaired
- Regularly updated software load at no additional cost